Vitroman Men's Health

Vitroman Men's Health

9 Awesome Health Benefits Of Oysters

What is Oyster, Healthy Benefits of Oyster, Health Benefits of Oyster

WHAT IS OYSTER? Oysters refer to several edible, marine, bivalve mollusks that belong to the Ostreidae family. Two common types include Pacific and Eastern oysters. They play a vital role in the ecosystem — they improve water quality by filtering pollutants out of the water and help provide suitable…

Vitro Fertilization

Anal Sex, Sexual Behaviour, Sex Drive, Orgasmic Dysfunction In Women, Vitro Fertilization

Vitro Fertilization IUI is an acronym for IntraUterine Insertion. Sperm is put into the uterus via the cervix. They travel to the tubes, where fertilization takes place. Poor quality sperm can bypass the journey through the vagina and avoid the…

Other Fertility Tests

Fertility Tests

There are many different tests to find the cause of fertility problems. They include: Evaluation of cervical mucus. This involves an examination of mucus production, which may be scanty and blocking the sperm. Postcoital tests. These occur after intercourse to…


Herpes, Tubal Obstruction, Vaginal Infection, Vaginal lubricant, Infection, Pelvic, Infection of Pelvic, ERT, HRT, Estrogen, Inadequate, Vaginal, Lubricant

The first attack of the herpes virus is the most painful and takes the longest time to heal. Within 2 to 20 days after infection, there is a mild tingling or itching. This can be on the labia, clitoris, or…

Male/Female Tubal Obstruction

Herpes, Tubal Obstruction, Vaginal Infection, Vaginal lubricant, Infection, Pelvic, Infection of Pelvic, ERT, HRT, Estrogen, Inadequate, Vaginal, Lubricant

Female Tubal Obstruction Adhesions are scars which form on the outside of the oviducts. They tie down the tube; it cannot move at ovulation to scoop up the free-floating egg. Adhesions can be due to previous pelvic infections, or surgery.…

Male Factor Infertility

Male Factor Infertility

The first and simplest fertility test involves a specimen of the male ejaculate. An average ejaculate contains one-half to one full teaspoon of semen. The average ejaculate volume after 3 days of abstinence is 3 to 5 cc. Sperm make…

Anal Sex

Anal Sex, Sexual Behaviour, Sex Drive, Orgasmic Dysfunction In Women, Vitro Fertilization

Anal sex carries specific health risks for all lovers, be they heterosexual or homosexual. Faeces contain highly infectious matter. The walls of the rectum are only a few cells thick. They are not designed to resist the pressure of a…