Vitroman Men's Health

Vitroman Men's Health

Ejaculations, Seminal Fluid

seminal fluid

Seminal-fluid volume is gradually reduced during the aging process. In the younger man with 24-36 hours of prior ejaculatory continence, the total, seminal-fluid volume averages 3-5 ml, while with a similar continence pattern, an output of 2-3 ml is within normal limits for the post 50 male.

Aging Male Sex

aging male sex

The natural aging process creates some specific physiological changes in the male cycle of sexual response. Knowledge of these cycle variations has not been widely disseminated.

Aging Male & Female

male sex steroid, aging male, aging women

Arbitrarily, statistics reflecting the failure rates of treatment procedures for sexual dysfunction in the aging population will be considered in this section rather than dividing the material between the discussions of sexual inadequacy in the aging male and female.

Sexual Therapy

sexual therapy

A basic premise of therapeutic approach originally introduced, and fully supported over the years by laboratory evidence, is the concept that there is no such thing as an uninvolved partner in any marriage in which there is some form of sexual inadequacy.

Male Impotence Causes

male impotence causes

A typical history of an acute episode of alcohol consumption as an etiological factor in the onset of secondary impotence is classic in its structural content. The clinical picture is one of acute psychic trauma on a circumstantial basis, rather than the chronic psychosocial strain of years of steady attrition to the male ego as described in the case history for the premature ejaculator.