There were times when you just think of how hard and how long you want your erections to be, there is perhaps another area we should look at – The Prostate!
Something naked that you can’t see or feel, and it runs down towards the penis! Let’s go a little further but not to detail, a better understanding of man’s health.
The prostate is a small gland located in front of the rectum and just below the bladder (where the urine is stored). The prostate also surrounds the urethra, the canal which urine passes out of the body from the bladder to the penis. The gland is composed of two lobes enclosed by an outer layer of tissue. It is comprised of secreting glands, but a mass of muscle and connective tissue which is vital for proper bladder operation and urine flow-rate control.
One of the main roles is to make the milky seminal fluid into the urethra as sperm when out of the urethra. The prostate also provides the power to expel this fluid through your penis during sexual climax. (If you remember your biology, your testes manufacture spermatozoa which is then stored in the epididymis. During orgasm, the vas deferens pushes the sperm into the urethra.). When orgasm and ejaculation occur, the semen in which spermatozoa travel out of the body is almost 90% driven by the prostate.
The fluid produced by the prostate, prostatic fluid, does two other things: makes the woman’s vaginal canal less acidic and protects a man’s urinary system and genitals from infection. Sounds too clinical?
Simple, no prostate, no orgasm. Does that mean No Erections? Don’t get panicky yet, let’s hear it out! It is a misconception among men. But there is good and bad news. The good news is the majority of men who are treated for prostate problems report no loss in at least that part of their sexual ability. However, the bad news is because the urethra runs right through the middle of the prostate, a growth spurt of the prostate will squeeze the urethra canal and begin to choke its ability to let things get through. Thus, affect both your ability to urinate and perform sexually.
Similar to erectile dysfunction or poor penis health, most men feel uncomfortable talking about it. It’s unfortunate that the gland plays a role in both sex and urination. It is an ordeal hard for most men to come to terms with. It is never a loss to gain more knowledge (about the prostate). A healthy diet and exercise regimen may ease a great deal of unnecessary pain and avoid suffering from prostate enlargement, inflammation, and cancer.
As the prostate enlarged, the surrounding capsule stops it from expanding, causing the gland to expand in the other direction, and pressing against the urethra just like clamping a hose. The bladder wall compensates by pressing harder. This causes it to become more muscular, thicker, and smaller causing the urge “to go” more frequently even when it contains only small amounts of urine.
Sometimes a man does not know he has prostate problems until he suddenly finds himself unable to urinate at all. This condition known as acute urinary retention may be triggered by over-the-counter colds or allergy medicines. When partial obstruction is present, urinary retention also can be brought on by alcohol, cold temperatures, or a long period of immobility. It is important to tell your doctor about urinary problems such as those described above.