Vitroman Men's Health

Vitroman Men's Health

Impotent and Female Orgasm

woman sexuality

Although emphasis has been placed upon the role of premature ejaculation in the etiology of primary orgasmic dysfunction, primary or secondary impotence also contributes. Again the basic theme of man and woman coital interaction must be emphasized. If there is…

Sexual Lubrication

Problems,Dyspareunia,Male,Sex,Distress,Male Sex,Male Distress,Sex Distress,Male Sex Distress,Curve,Penis,Curve Penis, distress, dyspareunia, penis, pelvic infection, sex, Sexual,Lubrication,Sexual Lubrication

Probably the most frequent cause for dyspareunia originating with symptoms of burning, itching, or aching is lack of adequate production of vaginal lubrication with sexual functioning. During attempted penile intromission or with long-maintained coital connection, there must be adequate lubrication…

Sex, Pelvic Syndromes

Problems,Dyspareunia,Male,Sex,Distress,Male Sex,Male Distress,Sex Distress,Male Sex Distress,Curve,Penis,Curve Penis, distress, dyspareunia, penis, pelvic infection, sex, Sexual,Lubrication,Sexual Lubrication

One of the most obscure of pelvic pathological syndromes, yet one of the most psychosexually crippling, is traumatic laceration of the ligaments supporting the uterus. This syndrome was described clinically. Five women have been referred to the Foundation for relief…

Sex and Pelvic Infection

Problems,Dyspareunia,Male,Sex,Distress,Male Sex,Male Distress,Sex Distress,Male Sex Distress,Curve,Penis,Curve Penis, distress, dyspareunia, penis, pelvic infection, sex, Sexual,Lubrication,Sexual Lubrication

When considering intense pain elicited during coital functioning as opposed to vaginal aching or irritation, the therapist generally should look beyond the confines of the vaginal barrel for existent pathology involving the reproductive viscera. Acute or chronic infections and endometriosis…

Sex and Dyspareunia

Problems,Dyspareunia,Male,Sex,Distress,Male Sex,Male Distress,Sex Distress,Male Sex Distress,Curve,Penis,Curve Penis, distress, dyspareunia, penis, pelvic infection, sex, Sexual,Lubrication,Sexual Lubrication

The term dyspareunia, difficult or painful coitus, has always been presumed to refer to coital distress in women. The word stems from the Greek, and somewhat freely translates into “badly mated.” Since no comparable word reflecting or suggesting coital distress…

Problems of Dyspareunia

Problems,Dyspareunia,Male,Sex,Distress,Male Sex,Male Distress,Sex Distress,Male Sex Distress,Curve,Penis,Curve Penis, distress, dyspareunia, penis, pelvic infection, sex, Sexual,Lubrication,Sexual Lubrication

There have been three cases referred as problems of dyspareunia in which individual women were involved in gang-rape experiences. In all three instances there were multiple coital connections, episodes of simultaneous rectal and vaginal mountings, and finally traumatic tearing of…

Penis Irritations

Problems,Dyspareunia,Male,Sex,Distress,Male Sex,Male Distress,Sex Distress,Male Sex Distress,Curve,Penis,Curve Penis, distress, dyspareunia, penis, pelvic infection, sex, Sexual,Lubrication,Sexual Lubrication

Many men complain: Burning, itching, and irritation after coital connection with women contending with chronic or acute vaginal infections. Not infrequently small blisters appear on the glans penis, particularly around the urethral outlet. If there are any abrasions on either…

Penis Foreskin

Problems,Dyspareunia,Male,Sex,Distress,Male Sex,Male Distress,Sex Distress,Male Sex Distress,Curve,Penis,Curve Penis, distress, dyspareunia, penis, pelvic infection, sex, Sexual,Lubrication,Sexual Lubrication

Painful Coition Is Not Limited to Women. Many men are distracted from and even denied effective sexual functioning by painful stimuli occasioned during or after sexual functioning. The symptoms will be described in relation to the anatomical site of pain,…

Pelvic Disease

Problems,Dyspareunia,Male,Sex,Distress,Male Sex,Male Distress,Sex Distress,Male Sex Distress,Curve,Penis,Curve Penis, distress, dyspareunia, penis, pelvic infection, sex, Sexual,Lubrication,Sexual Lubrication

Endometriosis is a disease in which implants of endometrial tissue spread throughout the pelvic viscera and their protective covering, the peritoneum. When examined microscopically, this ectopic tissue resembles the lining of the inner cavity of the uterus. The tubes, ovaries,…

Male Sex Distress

Problems,Dyspareunia,Male,Sex,Distress,Male Sex,Male Distress,Sex Distress,Male Sex Distress,Curve,Penis,Curve Penis, distress, dyspareunia, penis, pelvic infection, sex, Sexual,Lubrication,Sexual Lubrication

Among the most distressing of the many factors in dyspareunia are the complaints of burning, itching, or aching in the vagina during or after intercourse. The existence of chronic vaginal irritation frequently robs women of their full freedom of sexual…