Tag Sexual

Impotence, intercourse position, sexual function, sexual intercourse, sexual pleasure, erectile dysfunction, orgasm, ejaculation, penis treatment, Female, Top, Position, Female Position

Sexual Pleasure

When conceptually she has a penis to play with, usually the woman will do just that. If she will allow the vaginally contained penis to stimulate slowly and feelingly, in the same manner, she enjoyed sensate pleasure from manual body…

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sexual therapy,阳痿,阴茎,不能,勃起,不坚

Sexual Health

At onset of the program, couples were requested to devote three weeks of their time to the therapeutic program. This concept of time commitment was maintained for the first two years of this clinical research program. Evaluation of sexual experience made clear…

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woman sexuality

Woman Sexual Phrase

She responds physiologically to sex-tension elevation. The four phases of the female cycle of sexual response established in 1960s will be employed to identify clinically important vasocongestive and myotonic reactions developing in the pelvic viscera of any woman responding to…

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woman sexuality

Sexual Values

An interesting variation on this classification of repression should be mentioned. There were several primarily non orgasmic women whose receptivity to the repressive conditioning was slightly different. Their own particular personality characteristics or their relationship to negatively directive authority was…

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